After an unfortunate collision of the vessel in rough weather conditions, we have been assigned to carry out voyage repair jobs of the damaged superstructure steel plates.

-Pre-inspection was performed

-We supplied and delivered the needed steel materials, tools, and consumables for the job.

-Our riding team embarked on the vessel

-Staging was fabricated and hung for access

-The damaged steel plates were cut and cleaned

-New steel plate installation process was completed without a hitch

-NDT test was performed with the class surveyor's attendance

-Another challenging task was successfully executed

After an unfortunate collision of the vessel in rough weather conditions, we have been assigned to carry out voyage repair jobs of the damaged superstructure steel plates.

-Pre-inspection was performed

-We supplied and delivered the needed steel materials, tools, and consumables for the job.

-Our riding team embarked on the vessel

-Staging was fabricated and hung for access

-The damaged steel plates were cut and cleaned

-New steel plate installation process was completed without a hitch

-NDT test was performed with the class surveyor's attendance

-Another challenging task was successfully executed